- Diversity and Inclusion Director
- Must be a member in good standing of the CBLSL.
- Responsible for ensuring that the league is providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all members of the LGBTQIA+ Community
- Work with Recruiting Specialists to develop recruiting plans that will reach all members of the community and ensure that the diversity of the league reflects the diversity of Philadelphia
- Work with the Sponsor Liasion/Events Coordinator to identify partnerships with diverse sponsors.
- Work with the Sponsor Liasion/Events Coordinator to ensure that all C.B.L.S.L. events are inclusive and welcoming for all league members and all members of the LGBTQIA+ Community.
- Work with the Communications Director to develop monthly social media plans that include recognition of holidays, days of visibility, awareness weeks, and other important events.
- Work with Divisional Directors and Coordinators to provide a safe and welcoming environmen for all members.
- Work with the Finance Manager to identify potential donations recipients.
- Shall chair the Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
- This committee shall be open to all league members.
- This committee shall meet monthly. If meetings are held in-person, an option to attend virtually must be provided so all interested members can attend.